Our 100% Satisfaction Promise

At Tomkat Armory, we want every customer to be completely satisfied with every aspect of our products and service. If you ever have an issue with something, we WILL make it right. That’s our promise to you.

No Hassle Return Policy

Tomkat Armory strives to make purchasing and returning products as simple as possible. If you buy a product from us and decide you don’t need it, don’t want it, or just don’t like it, we’ll take it back at any time with a few exceptions.

We require proof of purchase to honor all refunds and only the original account or purchaser may return an item. Please include your proof of purchase with the products you wish to return in their original packaging, if possible. Any items returned within 45 days of delivery are entitled to a refund to the original method of payment or identical exchange. If the original method of payment is cash, check or credit card that has expired, a check or store credit will be issued. Any items returned after 45 days of delivery will be issued store credit.

For more information about our return policy, please click here.